Why is this sewing needle so popular?

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needle.pngI drew this sewing needle a year and a bit ago, last March. I also uploaded it to the Open Clip Art Library a little later (here). Okay, big deal, right? It's a simple little drawing of a sewing needle, meant to go with a logo that eventually got scrapped. But there's something strange about it. Since then, for the last year, the original blog post it was in has been one of the most consistently popular pages on my entire site. Last month, it was the second most visited, accounting for a whopping 10% of all pageviews. In that time, it's also managed to surpass everything else I've ever uploaded to Open Clip Art Library, even the ever-popular baby giraffe. I'm a little bit at a loss. Why is it that a simple sewing needle should be so popular?

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